"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." Proverbs 25:11

Thursday, December 29, 2011

As Silver Refined by Kay Arthur

The deadly "D's": Disappointment, Discouragement, Depression in it's various degrees - Dejection, Despair, Demoralization. One of my favorite bible teachers, Kay Arthur tackles the deadly "D's" and guides us through the Bible to not only read what God's Word says but learn how to apply His truth to our lives and heart.

We learn how to change "Disappointment" into "His appointment" and thus allowing the situation/heart-break or whatever disappointment we are facing and look at it through God's eyes. 

God allows everything to happen to us for a reason. The best reason of all is to bring us closer to Him, trust Him and allow Him to refine us as silver is refined, and that means going through the fire. Not once, not twice, but throughout our earthly lives.

I would most definitely recommend this book to any one who is struggling with any of the deadly "d's" only because I know how much it has helped me. I review a lot of books and sometimes I wonder why I pick the ones I do, until I get into them and listen to what the author is saying. I know God had me chose this one because He knew I needed to hear Him. I do thank Him and Kay Arthur for this book. I will be reading this one again because there is so much in it to chew on.

Kay Arthur is an international Bible teacher, four-time  winning author, and co-founder of Precept Ministries International. Kay’s exciting, practical approach to the Scriptures has drawn thousands to the knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Her distinguished Christian character, Bible teaching, championing of the Inductive Bible Study Method, and national and international media broadcasts inspires others to study the scriptures. She has a passion for people to be established in God’s Word.

Blogging for Books provided me with an e-book review copy for the purpose of review. Thanks Blogging for Books!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Sounds like an interesting book. Great review!!! Have a good weekend. :O)