"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." Proverbs 25:11

Monday, December 5, 2011

Truth & Dare: One Year of Dynamic Devotions for Girls By Ann-Margret Hovsepian

I have a granddaughter who will be nine next year and when I saw this book I wanted to see if it would be something she could get into. So I sent my request  and The B & B Media Group, Inc sent me this review copy. 

Truth & Dare is written for tween girls. When I first looked at it and started reading through it I thought to myself, this is a book my granddaughter would like. 

Each day starts off with a bible verse, a "Truth" and a "Dare." Then there's a place for a girl to write her thoughts down on what she has learned. What a wonderful way to encourage young girls to journal.

For the weekend there is a small "quiz" that helps them remember what they learned throughout the week and a "Got More Time?" section that suggests other things they can do.

The only drawback I see about this book is the size. It may be a bit intimidating for a young tween. Though it's packed with many wonderful things, just the thickness of the book may cause them to be hesitant to start reading it. (Not everyone is a bookworm like me or my granddaughter.)

But other than that, it's a wonderful devotional and I believe the girls it's targeted for will get a lot out of it. 

Ann-Margret Hovsepian is a published author, freelance writer and editor and amateur artist. She has published more than 210 articles for dozens of Canadian and U.S. print periodicals and has become a sought-after author of pre-teen girls' devotional books. She has published Blossom: The Complete New Testament for Girls (Thomas Nelson, 2006) and The One Year Designer Genes Devo (Tyndale, 2007). She speaks at conferences and events and is actively involved on the board of Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec. Hovsepian resides in Montreal, Canada.

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